Feb 6, 2025
In this episode of Chax Chat, Chad Chelius and Dax Castro tackle some of the most common challenges in document accessibility. From overlooked tagging issues to the hidden complexities of tables and lists, they break down key remediation strategies that can save you time and frustration. Whether you're a seasoned pro or...
Jul 17, 2024
This is really a trick question. In this episode we discuss how to answer the question "What is the one tool you use for accessibility?" Chad and Dax start out by discussing the merits of getting an accessibility certification and then move on to talk about a couple of new scripts that are currently on their...
May 25, 2024
They say the best way to learn a language is by working with a native speaker, and learning Assistive Technology is no different. We are thrilled to have Kristen Witucki from Tamman Inc join us today on Chax Chat to talk about her experience as a native assistive technology user.
Kristen walks us through the way she...
May 18, 2024
Effective use of alt text, actual text, extended descriptions, and captions are essential for helping the users of accessibility tools read the document the way you intended. Most documents contain more than words alone. Graphics, graphs, photos, and even stylized formats are used to enhance the reader experience. But...
May 9, 2024
Today on Chax Chat we talk about designing with accessibility in mind. Creating an accessibility-first mindset is essential to the success of creating documents that maximize accessibility from the start and avoid the time drain of accessibility at the end or redoing the work when the inevitable last-minute change...